Friday, August 14, 2020

Welcome Back!!!



I want to take a second to tell you all how excited I am to get back to making music with you all! It won’t be the traditional way that we’ve grown to know and love but this is where we get to do what I love… Which is think outside of the box! I have several things in store that you are sure to keep you engaged, motivated, learning and growing! I’m including a cheat sheet for Monday as well as the code for our Google Class. If
you have any questions or concerns I can be reached via email at 

I would strongly recommend going through the cheat sheet before Monday to allow time for trouble shooting, if necessary!

Class Codes:

Band: fgpzpvk

Chorus: 72t7tzu

Music Apprec 2: s2ois74

Music Theory & Comp: tx77vjn

Music Apprec 1: wiznjeh

Music Technology: 46q3hzy

Adv Music Tech: z666bub

Inter Music Tech: mvedr26


See you Monday on the INTERWEBS


Director of Bands Announcement

  Lithia Springs Band Families,   We are so excited to formally announce the appointment of Mr. Jacob Mercer as our new Director of Bands! W...