Hello Band Parents,
The 2014 - 2015 band season has started off great this year. We all are looking forward to seeing our kids on the field showing off their hard work. We will keep this letter short and to the point. We are in need of your help and support this band season. There are several forms that are enclosed with this letter please review all pages.
1. Band Fees: Please take time to review your child statement. Keep in mind that the band fees are to help the band function and we still have bills due which in turn helps to support your child.
2. Medical forms: Any child that does not have a medical form filed before the first game will not be able to participate in the game or travel on the bus to the game. Please return as soon as possible.
3. Volunteering/Support: Enclosed is a list of dates we need you to volunteer to work in the concession stand or as field support. Please locate your child’s name for the date you have be assigned. Several parents did sign up but it is not enough to coverage so an assignment list had to be created. Please keep in mind there is a $5 credit from child’s account for every time you volunteer up to a maximum of $50 per season. If the date you have been assigned is not convenient, please send us an email with an alternate date(s) you would like to work.
4. Communication: The band has several ways to communicate upcoming events. Please check these locations frequently. If we don’t have your email address, please send us an email so we can add you to the group.
a. Blog: lshs.blogspot.com
b. Facebook: Lithia Springs Marching Lions
c. Your child
d. Email: lithiaspringband@gmail.com
We thank you for allowing your child to be part of this outstanding band program. We just need your extra support to help make your child shine even more.
The next band booster meeting is Thursday September 11, 2014 at 7:00 pm.